Готовый лендинг пейдж шаблон на wordpress. Шаблоны Landing page

Тема Landing Page затерта до дыр. Хоть бум на лендинги немного стих, но до сих пор посадочные страницы пользуются спросом. Их запускают все кому не лень, даже если для их ниш в бизнесе это явно проигрышный поступок. Кто-то это делает, чтобы просто поиграться, а кто-то, чтобы заработать денег. Но не столь важно, какие цели вы преследуете, важно то, что всем потребуется разработка страницы. Кто-то закажет у профессионалов, а кто-то по той или иной причине начнет создавать свой Landing Page сам. Как раз для вторых и посвящена эта подборка.

Люди, которые решили создавать сайт сами , могут начать разработку с нуля, а могут и использовать готовые , ведь для них не требуется особых знаний в разработке. Достаточно базовых знаний HTML и CSS, тех, что в школе учат. Тут опять встает вопрос. Использовать платный или бесплатный ? Конечно же, платный будет намного качественней, и, вероятно, покажет более высокие конверсии. Бесплатный будет менее красивый, менее проработанный с точки зрения маркетинга, верстки и дизайна.

Эта подборка состоит как раз из бесплатных на чистом HTML для создания Landing Page . Изначально подборка состояла из 40 позиций, но проснувшись утром и посмотрев на эти шаблоны свежим взглядом, решил удалить большую часть, так как это был, откровенно говоря, хлам, а хлама в интернете и так полно. Остались лишь самые достойные шаблоны, на которых можно хоть что-то строить. В подборку вошли шаблоны лендингов самых разных тематик, но, почему-то, преобладают LP для мобильных приложений. Они оказались наиболее качественными.

Ранее мы уже делали подборки из бесплатных шаблонов Landing Page. Они были заточены под определенную тематику. В этот раз я решил сделать сборный топик, не относящийся к какому-либо направлению.

Другие подборки бесплатных HTML шаблонов Landing Page:

Кстати. Если вы, по каким-то причинам, захотите натянуть эти шаблоны на движок Wordpress, то по этой теме я когда-то делал подборку из плагинов для создания Landing Page на Wordpress . Можете попробовать их использовать. Возможно, это значительно сэкономит время. Хотя, лично я, особого смысла этим заниматься не вижу, так как для простого LP хватит чистого HTML.

Итак. К вашему вниманию 20 бесплатных HTML шаблонов Landing Page.

Appi - Шаблон с фоновым видео

Еще один шаблон Landing Page для мобильного приложения с полноэкранным фоновым видео. В отличии от шаблона с видео-фоном, который будет приведен ниже, этот намного качественней, хоть и заточен под специфическую тематику.


Бесплатный HTML шаблон для создания Landing Page по продаже книг . Выполнен в стиле Flat в зеленых тонах. Присутствует некоторая занимательная анимация.
Также разработчик предоставляет для бесплатного скачивания исходники в формате PSD.

Landing Page по продаже кофе

Шаблон Landing Page на HTML по продаже кофе . Дизайн и реализация верстки очень интересны. Присутствует анимация элементов при прокрутке страницы. Все выполнено в мягких тонах. Отлично подойдет для организаций, которые занимаются доставкой кофе. Впрочем, этот шаблон легко можно переделать под вашу тематику, заменив картинки.

Landing Zero - Лендинг с фоновым видео

Бесплатный HTML шаблон с фоновым видео универсальной тематики. Подойдет для создания портфолио фрилансера любой специализации, будь то фотограф или дизайнер.
Вообще, бесплатный шаблоны с фоновым видео найти сложно. Так что качаем.
Видео в первом экране можно заменить на свое, а если такого нет, можно скачать на бесплатном видеостоке. Список видеостоков с легальными видео я приводил ранее.


Еще один универсальный адаптивный одностраничник на Bootstrap . Страница подходит для простой презентации продукта. По структуре напоминает презентационную страницу продуктов Apple.

Landing Page для кафе или ресторана

Привычный для рядового юзера рунета бесплатный шаблон Landing Page с формой захвата в первом экране. Заточен под создание посадочной страницы бара, ресторана, кафе или чего-либо кулинарной тематики. С помощью формы заявки можно забронировать столик на указанное время.


Очень качественный, адаптивный, бесплатный, но опять для мобильного приложения. Landing Page реализован на фреймворке Bootstrap. Имеет три варианта цветовой гаммы: светло-голубой, светло-зеленый и фиолетовый. Однако, он не так строго заточен под свою тематику, соответственно можно легко переделать под нужную вам.

Take - бесплатный одностраничник

И опять очередной бесплатный одностраничный html шаблон для мобильного приложения. Однако его дизайн очень интересен и необычен. Я бы даже сказал, уникален. Большинство посетителей постового не являются разработчиками мобильных приложений, так что придется переделывать все под свою тематику.


Бесплатный одностаничный HTML5 шаблон для создания посадочной страницы кафе, ресторана или какой-то забегаловки. Шаблон с полноэкранным фоновым изображением и Parallax эффектами.
Присутствуют такие блоки, как: меню, ближайшие события, отзывы клиентов и стандартный набор блоков, в которых можно разместить преимущества и пр.


Я бы расценивал этот шаблон, как некий html-фреймворк для создания одностраничника. Он не заточен под какую-либо тематику, так что все в ваших руках. Есть поддержка полноэкранного фонового видео. Плюс ко всему, он имеет стандартный набор блоков, типичный для одностраничника.


Шаблон подойдет для создания Landing Page какой-нибудь Digital-компании: веб-студии , команды фрилансеров или тому подобных. Имеет для этого все необходимые ресурсы: портфолио с фильтром по работам, различные круговые диаграммы , табы, слайдеры… Помимо этого поддерживает фоновое видео в первом экране.

Success in all ventures in this modern age is as complex a goal as it ever has been throughout history. Setting out to do something, whether it is starting a business, creating a tool or a game, coordinating a large scale project or event or even simply trying to make a few bucks, success eludes the many and welcomes the few, the well prepared, and often, the downright lucky. However, those who consistently succeed will tell you that luck simply isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Preparation means everything. And to be prepared, one must know their business and their times. And these are fast-paced, on-the-go times for all businesses, owing to the widespread reach of the World Wide Web and of powerful mobile devices. Innovation is the name of the game, and if you can’t swim, you will definitely sink. That is why you need a solid technological foundation for all your ventures, and nothing beats HTML5 in terms of cutting edge potency. It is the language of the modern world, and the modern world and its opportunities are knocking at your door. Do you have somewhere to receive them? The following collection of HTML5 landing page templates has been constructed to include the best and brightest Landing Page templates on the market today. Have a look!

Jevelin (WordPress)

Jevelin is an advanced and multi-functional website template that can serve any user regardless of the niche he or she wants to enter. Or maybe you are already running an online project and are looking to enhance your web space, again, Jevelin is one of the best tools you can choose. With its numerous features and ready-made material, Jevelin gives you unlimited possibilities when it comes to creating the ideal page for your idea.

What’s uniquely impressive about Jevelin is the fact that you need no coding skills to manage and maintain a website like a pro. Not only that, even when it comes to adjusting and tweaking your landing page, Jevelin is effortless to use. That said, utter newbies can hammer out killer websites, ready and set to start attracting new visitors and potential clients, too.

Divi (WordPress)

If you need to push a product, a software, a service or capture more leads, a landing page will come handy. With Divi, you can now make one in a snap of a finger. The versatility and flexibility of Divi know no bounds. That said, no matter what your needs and intentions are, with Divi, you can now realize the ideal landing page or single-page website quicker than your brain will process it. You will soon find out that you really need to do little work for first-class results. And to make edits and improvements, all you need to undergo is just some dragging and dropping.

Divi also supports tons of email opt-in providers, allows you to create custom contact forms and even has a built-in split-testing system. In short, Divi is perfect for your marketing campaigns, making sure you experience outstanding results.

Webify (WordPress)

Pushing products and services online is no big of a deal once you gain access to Webify. This landing page template is a pack of goodness that will help you promote your app like a champ. Out of the box, Webify comes with a contemporary layout which ends up being entirely functional and ready to go live. You just change the default settings and you can have a complete landing page ready and set. What’s more, with the outstanding customization features and convenient page builder, you can also tweak Webify to your likings easily.

When speaking of features, we would need to hammer out an entire article for Webify. The ones that stand out are nifty animations, before/after slider, testimonials, pricing plans and call-to-action buttons. Get things going strong immediately and start seeing downloads go through the roof with Webify.

Milu (WordPress)

Milu is an exclusive landing page template for tech and app. Of course, you can easily go beyond that by customizing default settings of Milu with WPBakery page builder. But with the ready-made demos alone, you already have a ton of different options and solutions to match Milu to your marketing needs and requirements. To be more exact, there are nine different samples you can put into play out of the box or improve further. Enjoy the outcome that will take your product or service to new heights.

Additional amenities of Milu include Slider Revolution, portfolio layouts, loads of internal sections, search engine optimization, mega menu and sticky navigation to name a few. You need to be no expert to start working with Milu, as the web design is user- and beginner-friendly, yet powerful enough for experts.

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Genoa (WordPress)

Another remarkable tool for building landing pages is Genoa. While its default layouts and settings primarily aim towards software and app landing pages, you can easily go beyond that. After all, quick use of Elementor page builder means you can improve the out of the box version of Genoa to your wants with ease.

In the Genoa package, you will discover over ten predefined demos with more dropping in the near future. Each demo is also packed with impressive features and functions for your convenience. The modern look makes the sample quickly adapt to your wants, without the need to spend too much time editing and customizing it. In some cases, you will want to use the layout out of the box and enjoy speedy page realization.

More amazingness includes a lifetime worth of free updates, support team, Gutenberg compatibility, six widget areas, as well as sticky header and sidebar. The layout is 100% responsive and retina-ready and optimized for speed and SEO to ensure stable and secure site operation.

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Porto is an incredibly resourceful and feature-rich, technologically ambitious and very mobile friendly, powerfully customizable and very thoroughly developed, extensively clever and thought out, bright and cleanly designed, engaging and dynamic responsive HTML5 multipurpose website template. It’s a seamless and potent framework for the development of sophisticated and full-featured websites that look and feel reliable and modern, cutting edge and secure at the same time. To that end, Porto is built with an effective deployment of the latest and greatest HTML5 web technologies and CSS3 visual scripting built through a , rendering Porto both developer friendly and entirely responsive out of the box.

Porto includes many beautiful and dazzling features that are visually cohesive and integrated as well as deeply functional, making it an excellent HTML5 landing page template for creating and managing modern and top-notch Landing Page websites for business or professional applications of any kind. Porto requires absolutely no coding skills. It offers such powerful features as the Owl Carousel and the Nivo Slider at your fingertips. For the best results possible, Porto should be matched with the Porto Admin backend website template, for maximized customization options and admin user raw power features. Porto is for the pros!


Canvas is a comprehensively flexible, unimaginably customizable, visually stunning and dashing, colorful and vibrant, lively and youthful, modern and full featured, creative and innovative, amazingly powerful and endlessly flexible, graphically refined and aesthetically pleasant responsive HTML5 multipurpose website template. The developers painstakingly created this template with an all-encompassing eye for detail in order to create a polished and perfected HTML5 landing page template capable of handling the demands of truly every single website out there. To that end, Canvas has been built with over 75 readymade, professionally graphically designed and fully fleshed out Homepage demos, and includes a massive, whopping 500 HTML5 files at your disposal for all sorts of specific, narrow or general purposes you could imagine.

Canvas is, of course, wholly prepared to meet the needs of sophisticated and modern Landing Page websites, and its technological profile is vastly sufficient to handle the engaging One Page or Multipage Landing Page websites you have always dreamed up. With plentiful shortcodes to ease your workflow and quickly churn out page after page in a completely customized, professional visual style, Canvas is perhaps the truest multipurpose template on the market today, ready to bend to your every whim and easily customized should you ever find a need not covered already within Canvas.


Rhythm is a trendy and attractive, hip and modern, technologically accomplished and professionally graphically composed layout. It is visually impressive and functionally rich and flexible, expansive and ambitious. Moreover, clever and engaging, elegant and polished responsive HTML5 one page and multipage multipurpose website template. This template has been designed with the utmost care and attention to detail in order to produce a powerful template capable of empowering webmasters from all industries and of any skill level to seamlessly and quickly put together sophisticated and one of a kind websites that are powerfully customizable, extremely intuitive and user friendly, and very modern and current.

Rhythm is very fashion conscious and aesthetically aware, and this tastefulness carries over to every one of Rhythm’s over 40 fully fleshed out one and multipage demo websites as well as its over 175 included HTML5 template pages, readymade and preconfigured for all sorts of purposes, including a wealth of Landing Page demo websites and page templates, so you can hit the ground running with your Landing Page projects or ventures, from professional or recreational mobile app-related incoming traffic to campaigns, coupons and more, Rhythm can handle any amount of users you need to receive, inform or reroute, and it will always do so in an impeccably polished, technologically mature presentation.


Weber is a one-of-a-kind landing page template that easily provides a clean, unique and professional-looking web environment. Due to its multi-purposefulness, you can use the tool for all sorts of aims. Weber applies to business owners, niche websites and even personal bloggers. And with a few tweaks, you can also use the tool for something entirely offbeat compared to what it comes with out of the box.

This particular website template offers not just the usual features of a multi-concept HTML template. Weber is packed with awesome assets including but not limited to animated content sections and elements that come with a smooth transition effect. Thus definitely making your brand a standout among others. On top of that, Weber combines 33 predefined pages, 410 amazing sections, mega menu navigation and a top-notch page builder.

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To push your mobile application and spread the name out, Lunatic is the landing page template that is ideal for apps. Its modern and sophisticated web design stunningly displays your content, images, screens and other whatnots you want to share with your target audience. In the bundle, Lunatic delivers three main home designs with an addition of three blog looks and a single blog page. Out of the box, you have a complete web solution for your novel and refreshing app to reach a new circle of users.

Moreover, Lunatic has loads of useful features that will save you time and effort during setting yourself up with the cutting-edge page. Every user gets access to Font Awesome icons, a working contact form, smooth transitions and enticing effects, as well as simple color management. Do take a peek at this neat tool and enter web space with a solid online presence.

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Cryptency ICO

Cryptency ICO is a well-known cryptocurrency and Bitcoin responsive landing page template. It offers functionality, efficiency and aesthetics to all its users. In terms of its appearance, Cryptency ICO exudes a clean, modern and mobile-ready environment, ideal for ICO startup, crypto agencies and other coin market enthusiasts. The template includes all key elements that will be helpful in your cryptocurrency undertaking. To name a few, it comes with AJAX contact form, subscription form, ICO token counter and sports a clean code.

For a quicker site launch, Cryptency ICO comes with four attention-grabbing index pages which are colorful, bright, dark and light. Pick whatever best resonates with your product and start from there.
If you are planning to launch a website for your digital currency enterprise, then Cryptency ICO is a must have tool for your business.

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By default, ProSoft, hence the name, is a landing page template for professional software of all types. The site canvas immediately adapts to your needs and helps you to launch your web presence in as short space of time as possible. It is all and everything in the bundle, ready for you to employ it and take to your account. Loads of contemporary UI/UX elements come part of the package, as well as other goodies, like W3C valid code, free Google Fonts and call-to-action buttons.

ProSoft also has three stylish and elegant home page demos; default, white hero and video hero versions. Regardless of which design you dig the most, it is a promise that the outcome you will build is first-class. Bring your software to an entirely new level and stand out a mile with the help from the almighty ProSoft.

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If you are looking for the best value for your money when it comes to a landing page template, then you do not have to look further, for Rupa is here. It is a single product lead capture page intended for entrepreneurs and business people alike. You can easily utilize it for online product marketing purposes which both digital and physical marketers can use. There are little if none limitations when it comes to using Rupa for your offering exactly.

Rupa boasts of its simplicity and highly relevant features for your business. These assets and traits include three homes, responsive and retina-ready layout, slider, dedicated support and a sticky menu. Rupa is based on the Bootstrap Framework, comes with free updates and is entirely optimized for all modern web browsers. Jump in with both feet and start something remarkable with Rupa.

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Our landing page templates collection is of a variety of items that will fit all your needs and demands. Even if you happen to be a picky user, there is a guarantee you will find the ideal look for whatever your project may be. For corporate and business websites, Palki is the tool that will do you well. It rocks a with all the necessities and loads more. Besides, Palki follows all the latest trends and practices all the recent technologies for an always amazing and stable encounter.

Palki is powered by Bootstrap Framework what gives it responsiveness and quick adaptability. It provides five homes that vary from slider, animated and YouTube video to particles and parallax effects. Palki also does not miss a full blog section which you can use for content marketing, as well as to go more personal with your current and potential new clients.

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Getting Apkly as your template is basically the best investment you can do for your website. You can use this landing page template as a marketing page to present your brand, your products, your services or your portfolio. It has a user-friendly and contemporary design with full documentation included. Moreover, Apkly is 100% responsive and compatible with all modern browsers. In other words, your landing page will display its content beautifully on all devices, from smartphones to tablets and desktop computers.

There are also multiple elements included, all of which are easily customizable. There are four demos available for you to find the right look for your purpose even more straightforward and quicker. You can also add social links for maximum website growth and testimonials to build customer trust. Last but certainly not least, Apkly allows you to use it out of the box but the code is also entirely customizable to alter it to your regulations and customize the default web design to your needs.

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Stash is one of a kind WordPress theme. It is a multi-niche design that provides a codeless building process and responsiveness. You will get the aid of Visual Composer, +260 blocks and +48 demos. Stash is also built with a professional and creative concept. Additionally, it suits many areas of interest with a personal touch that radiates creativity. You will get a mix of pre-built elements and customizable elements. Stash has lots of focus on display and transitiveness. It is also retina ready and offers famous specialized plugin integrations for free. Moreover, you get to play with Slider Revolution and Essential Grid.

Stash is strong on typography and icons selection. It provides Google and Font Awesome sets. The layout itself comes with unlimited colors, dark/light skins, and customizable image backgrounds. What about commercial transactions, forms or speed? Well, you get WooCommerce, Minimal Forms, and SEO optimization among others. Stash is so intended to fit any scenario, that whatever is not integrated, it is compatible. Still, have second thoughts? We don’t blame you…We invite you to try it out with free updates at least twice a month and custom support. Oh! And I’m forgetting to mentiona child theme too! Come use these unique instruments now! Use Stash!


With Softius, your website will look a lot more innovative and engaging, helping you win over even more users. This landing page template is well-known for its specialization on businesses that focus on providing software for an assortment of different purposes. Even if you are building the next big mobile application, Softius will do its best to present it professionally and attractively.

Each template fits your company background, ensuring success in your endeavors. Speaking of templates, Softius comes with three striking demos that you can utilize and improve to your needs and regulations. Thanks to its minimalistic and clean approach, Softius works with multiple users out of the box even if you have a meticulous taste.

Modify fonts, colors, layouts, images and other details to infinity and beyond and personalize the experience. Integrate widgets to streamline customization and organization of your online appearance. Softius is 100% efficient and documented so anyone can get the most out of it with ease.

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Building software demands a perfect balance of discipline and creativity. With Winsoft, you can achieve this harmony by creating a completely unique website that will push your products and services over and above. There’s no need to conform with, nor confine yourself to boundaries. This landing page template lets you edit every detail from background colors to images, fonts, sliders, grids, sections and layouts. Or take the easy path and use one of eleven predefined demos exactly as is. Besides, Winsoft also comes with an additional admin dashboard template for your convenience.

Winsoft is built on the Bootstrap Framework with HTML5 and CSS3 files. Needless to say, your SaaS or any other software landing page will look great on all devices and browser. Flexibility and extendability in a website are essential to ensure an outstanding performance for every user. Upgrade your site by employing this theme’s exceptional features. Be a part of the community that loves Winsoft and stand out from the masses.

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VisaPress is an ideal landing page template for any immigration and visa consulting agencies and companies. However, since this tool is highly flexible, you can freely use VisaPress for all sorts of other intentions as well, like lawyers, agents, coaching services and migration consultancy to name a few. VisaPress is entirely responsive and mobile-ready, smoothly working on all retina screens and popular web browsers. No matter where they come from, your VisaPress-powered website will always work without a hitch.

The template offers three home page designs, namely classic, regular and transparent looks. Additionally, VisaPress includes four landing pages, coaching and classes, testimonials section and all other must-haves. If this particular topic is what you are interested in, VisaPress is the best solution that you can go with. No need to do any additional research when you have it all right in front of you.

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Landing Page

You can name your product however you want, but sometimes, you just want to go with something simple and to the point. That’s the exact case when it comes to Landing Page template. You can not be more direct than that. But Landing Page is way more than just a classic lander. You can also use it as a or a one-page website, displaying just the essential details and content. Sure, you can have your personal take on it and craft something unique and original that goes entirely against the norm.

Landing Page has numerous predesigned layouts with a variety of cool effects and distinct looks. With all the available, you do not really need to be an expert to get a fully functional website up and running. The easiest solution would be to go with the demo you like the best as is, enhance it with your material and you are ready to go. Of course, you can improve it with your signature touch, too, and make a custom version of Landing Page.

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Angular Landing

Angular Landing, as the name would suggest, is a lead capture page template. Bear in mind, it is not just your everyday landing page template due to its efficiency and extensiveness. Angular Landing is put together with flex layout and angular CLI and angular material. Besides, each section of the landing page template is composed of HTML, SCSS and TypeScript files. It is also organized in its own directory for easy customization and reuse for users.

Additional features of this neat and tidy template include pricing tables, carousels, regular updates and scroll to navigation. Angular Landing has two original variations for you to choose from which both are of the highest quality. Enjoy Angular Landing’s clean design and fantastic appearance that will help you reach the goals you always wanted to see for yourself.

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If you are looking for the best web solution to get your agency online, needless to say, Agency is the landing page template you should consider. It is optimized and organized for the best performance to keep all your visitors satisfied and excited to learn more about what you do. The style of Agency is nifty and creative, pushing your content front and center for everyone to get the most out of it. Due to its single page layout, users do not need to jump from page to page and pressing the back button to find and discover what they are looking for.

Agency has sixteen different homes, separated into two groups: classic and form version. From image and slider backgrounds to all sorts of different effects, like winter, water, rain, particles and gradient to name a few. On scroll animations, SEO-ready, integrated MailChimp, practical contact form and retina-ready Font Awesome icons, all this and a ton more assets Agency treats you to.

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Maybe you already are part of the industry or maybe you plan to enter into a health and medicine-related online business or marketing, VIGO can be your go-to website landing page template. Mainly intended for food supplements, body enhancement and medicine affiliate projects, VIGO offers a fresh and professional look to a website. It is highly pliable and it comes with various features for improved user experience.

VIGO has five different homes which are basically five different color presets. Still, for any customization tweaks you would like to perform, by all means, modify VIGO however you see it fit your product best. VIGO is ease to work with and alter according to your needs. Among its top features are over sixteen sections, pixel perfect coding, free fonts and icons, video support and sticky navigation.

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Do not be fooled by its name, ZERO is not an empty nor valueless landing page template. It is a complete opposite. It is packed with numerous features and elements that can be useful for tech personnel and diverse tech groups. ZERO brings to the table a smooth, stylish and elegant layout to capture a horde of new leads and boost your downloads. In general, ZERO is the best fit for software and app showcase type of a website but you can use it for other purposes, too.

ZERO comes with a variety of cool assets that you can take to your benefit right away. In the bundle, you will discover three home demos, over twelve color schemes, attractive scroll animations and a practical contact form. For added efficiency and ease of use, ZERO is fully customizable and RTL ready to cover a broad specter of users from all around the globe.

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While it focuses more on the mobile applications, Hinata is a landing page template that you can also use with web and desktop apps and other software. It is a highly flexible and adaptable page canvas that calls for a complete website solution for your product. Expand your horizon with an enticing website and spark the curiosity of even more potential users. Potentially, you will start witnessing a steady increase in downloads. After all, a webpage is still one of the best marketing tools that can take you to the new degree.

Hinata has two main styles of home pages of which each comes in several different approaches. In short, Hinata gives quite a nice selection of different solutions you can take for your expert looking professional online presence. Each is unique and out of this world in its own creative way. The code of Hinata is also a breeze to customize. This gives you the freedom to modify Hinata and make it follow your branding to the T.

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Appino is considered by many as one of the perfect mobile app landing page templates. It is highly favored by app developers, marketers and the like because of its sleek, clean and powerful elements. As an , Appino comes with multiple ready to use layouts that can greatly influence app downloads and sales what translates into growth of your brand. You sure can achieve fantastic result with a solid page that you are about to bring into being with Appino.

With its highly customizable sections, headers, sliders, colors and pre-made elements, using Appino as your mobile app lead capture is convenient and efficient. Serving as an icing on the cake, Appino offers lifetime updates that are free of charge. Besides, each Appino user also gets six months of free support that will answer all your questions and concerns.

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Jonny is a two-in-one landing page template. It is a coming soon template, as well as a leads generation lander that also serves as a contact page. There are twelve different niche demos available which you can use right off the bat. And if it happens that you are in a different niche compared to those available, with a few quick tweaks, you can alter Jonny to suit your brand. After all, Jonny is organized and simple to edit. No matter your experience, you can all get the most out of the solid Jonny.

Some of the grant assets of the tool are SEO friendliness, twelve useful buttons, working contact form, modal pop-up and gallery. Of course, the list of assets Jonny brings does not end here. However, to truly understand the power of Jonny, you better see its live preview page. The level of expertness it delivers to your screens will leave you in amazement.

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Paper is a supreme multi-purpose landing page template for websites of all genres and industries. It comes ideal for business people, entrepreneurs, charity groups, startups, freelancers and knowledge base online projects. With the tiniest amount of work involved and a small investment, you can have a high-end page up and running quickly and efficiently. It is one of the most advanced, contemporary and inventive templates which you can use for nearly any page.

With its wide range of features and elements, establishing your website with Paper is less tedious and more convenient. Paper comes with a massive horizon of responsive layouts, eighteen and counting homes, blog and shop pages as well. Optimized for insane performance and fast loading speeds, Paper gives your visitors a steady and relaxed skimming experience. Start now with paper and see first results coming your way shortly after.

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Apps Craft

Apps Craft is a specialized landing page HTML template. With its modern, edgy concept, Apps Craft appeals to the curious clickers of the world. You will get it +10 customizable homepages and with Parallax effect included. Apps Craft is proudly one of the most responsive template out there. It is also cross-browser compatible to go through any browser and reach as many folks as possible. Boost your sales easily with SEO improvements specially made for your business. Apps Craft provides both MailChimp subscription form and Ajax Working Contact Form. With either of them you’ll get awesome feedback connection with customers. Social media sharing is also available for several well-known platforms.

Apps Craft also includes layered PSD files to make very cool customizations. Moreover, it is compatible with Bootstrap and includes gorgeous Parallax effect. Beautiful skin colors, Google Web Fonts and high quality Font Icons are also part of the offering. Furthermore, Apps Craft provides the adequate documentation files for you to downloaded easily. All of the above reasons make it extremely versatile and thought to adapt to mobiles and tablets. It you consider its inclination to apps, you will have no doubt of its adaptability. Go for something dynamic and made with the finest specialized features! Get Apps Craft!


LeadGen is a flexible and responsive HTML marketing multipurpose website template. It’s a resourceful framework for webmasters from all walks of life to get results. LeadGen comes ideal for a range of industries and applications to benefit from. With a huge span of landing page demo websites to choose from, the options are limitless. LeadGen doesn’t need any coding for you to get professional quality websites. LeadGen is a purposeful solution for designers, architects, creatives and professionals. Deploy over 300 polished elements through an intuitive premium page builder.

LeadGen provides a robust framework for marketing your products and services to all. Seamless crafting is possible through a few easy clicks, with advanced admin options. Fine-tune your transitions and animations, customize video and image backgrounds and more. Let your creativity loose with LeadGen and take your business up a notch. Optimized for marketing and SEO, LeadGen will drive your traffic through the roof. Sleek and lightweight, it won’t clog up your server loads under any traffic. From bloggers and magazines to eCommerce stores and portfolios, LeadGen has it all. Not to mention, out of the box cross-compatibility with all browsers and devices. Set up shop online today, check out LeadGen!


Pivot is a visually stunning and comprehensively malleable, technologically well polished and professionally graphically designed, extremely intuitive and easy to use, developer friendly and cleanly composed, vastly well documented and with Page Builder. This theme is an extremely innovative and , capable of letting users of any skill level produce handsome and impressive one page or multipage websites without any coding whatsoever. To achieve this, Pivot deploys a very effective and highly intuitive visual Page Builder, featuring a block-based interface wherein over 70 custom built, fully customizable content blocks are available for your convenience, to simply drop into place on your pages and then freely fiddle with their individual settings and overall appearance and behavior.

That is why Pivot is such a flexible and versatile choice as a Landing Page website template. It really puts you in the driver’s seat of your website’s navigational experience every step of the way and through every nook and cranny, with wonderful functionality at your fingertips, including Campaign Monitors, MailChimp integration, gorgeous HTML5 Video Backgrounds and hardware Parallax visual effects to dazzle and engage your incoming traffic. Welcome your visitors with elegance and flexibility, with Pivot, and center the world around your website!


Massive is hugely ambitious, comprehensively well designed, technologically articulate and cutting edge, functionally resourceful and extremely feature-dense, clever and neatly thought out, modern and current, aesthetically attractive and polished responsive HTML5 one page and multipage multipurpose website template. This template has been carefully and expansively developed over time to constitute a formidable all-in-one website solution. It is capable of handling virtually every and any task a website could require, through ample quantity and professional quality. Deploying over 50 wonderful demo websites fleshed out with inner pages, over 260 individual HTML5 template pages and dozens of purpose-specific pages, Massive is truly overwhelming. That is why Massive can easily muscle the demands of a Landing Page website.

With its deep-running functionality and its excessive variety of powerful features and extensive visual customization capabilities, Massive is perfectly decked out right out of the box to create handsome and modern Landing Page websites incorporating MailChimp integration, over 150 amazing shortcodes, smooth and beautiful Parallax sections, Pricing Tables, 20 menu styles, 15 readymade Sliders, 10 Page Titles and similarly vast amounts of choices for every visual element making up your Massive Landing Page website. Built on a reliable with a responsive Bootstrap design, you can rest assured that every user will enjoy your Massive website in its proper visual glory.


JANGO is a technologically sophisticated, visually expansive and well designed, incredibly graphically customizable and amazingly intuitive, powerful and fast loading, nimble and easy to use, search engine optimized and developer friendly responsive HTML5 multipurpose website template. This template has been built to be the most efficiently coded, mobile friendly, developer friendly and easy to use template on the market. JANGO uses a solid and reliable HTML5 framework for your convenience. It is styled through sophisticated SASS CSS3 stylesheets that are easily customizable and fast loading. It is designed in an entirely modular fashion based on Twitter’s Bootstrap. This makes it especially responsive and cross compatible with all browsers, platforms and screen sizes.

JANGO is perfect for building your dream Landing Page website without any coding whatsoever. Its Component-Based Framework includes over 300 custom built components, with a streamlined, 3-step page building process. Go from header to components and ordering to footer, and done! Professional and polished Landing Page websites as easy as clicking and dragging, ready within minutes, right out of the box. JANGO also deploys its modular design throughout its codebase, with a highly legible, developer friendly code that is well annotated, with extensive documentation to ease modification and adaptation of JANGO to your specific requirements.

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Для бизнеса использование лендингов стало одним из наиболее простых и выгодных решений. Популярным инструментом для создания таких сайтов стали лендинг пейдж шаблоны WordPress. В их основе лежит продуманная и мощная «система вовлечения» для трансформации трафика в доход.

Они предлагают:

  1. встроенный конструктор страниц;
  2. кроссбраузерность и адаптивную верстку, которые обеспечивают охват большей клиентской аудитории;
  3. выверенный профессиональный дизайн;
  4. бесплатные обновления в течение неограниченного периода.

50+ премиум лендинг пейдж шаблона на WordPress

Шаблон Bridge

Шаблон с высококлассной типографикой, входящий в топ творческих тем. Бесплатные плагины в составе темы: Visual Composer, Layer Slider, Timetable, Visual Composer. В Bridge включена обширная коллекция шорткодов — от базовых структурных блоков до интерактивной инфографики и продвинутых демонстрационных элементов, таких как вертикальные прогресс-бары.

1. Автосалон

На сайте размещены выгодные предложения, модели авто, тарифные планы на обслуживание. Особое внимание привлекают слайдер с parallax и вертикальный слайдер.

Лендинг для частного психолога, через который можно вести продажу авторских книг. Стильная форма подписки помогает пополнить клиентскую базу.

3. Дантист, зубной кабинет

Посадочная страница в ярких бело-голубых тонах с информацией об услугах и встроенной системой букинга.

4. Животные

Демо сайт приюта для животных с каталогом подопечных и функционалом сбора пожертвований.

На страницах шаблона можно увидеть блоки с графиком церковных мероприятий и историями прихожан. Сайт ведет прием онлайн взносов.

6. Лендинг про мебель

Посадочная страница в светлой цветовой гамме. Использует слайдер отзывов, счетчики с анимацией.

7. Личный сайт фотографа

Черно-белый сайт-портфолио. Основной контент главной страницы — горизонтальный слайдер во весь экран и навигационное меню.

8. Бизнес, стартап

Демо сайт для бизнес-проекта применяет скролл-эффекты, которые так любят современные шаблоны лендинг пейдж, и привычные для wordpress слайдеры и графики.

9. Йога

Простой одностраничник для йога студии. Среди его компонентов — блок с показателями достижений и большой слайдер в хедере.

Черно-белый лендинг с тематическими блоками «Направления тренировок», «Расписание занятий», «Тренерский состав».

11. Путешествия

Демо для туристического портала. В его верхней части расположен широкий баннер с всплывающим текстом, меню меняет цвет при прокрутке.

12. Часы

Лендинг для демонстрации элитных часов использует много фото и parallax фон. Цветовая схема страниц — белая с темно-серыми вставками.

13. Digital-агентство

Простой дизайн сайта содержит минимум анимации — меняющее цвет верхнее меню, которое разворачивается до полноэкранного, блоки с фоном parallax.

14. Бизнес

Небольшой корпоративный сайт с большим слайдером в «шапке». Как и похожие лендинг пейдж шаблоны, сделанные на Вордпресс, данная посадочная страница использует раскладку «во всю ширину экрана».

15. Музыка

Сайт для рок-музыканта, делающий основной акцент на гастрольной деятельности: крупные блоки используют концертные фото в качестве фона, на главную выведены последние записи в блоге.

Шаблон BeTheme

Популярный шаблон, главными свойствами которого являются «отзывчивость» дизайна, Retina совместимость и универсальность. На выбор пользователю представлены 2 визуальных конструктора — MuffinBuilder и Visual Composer, а также плагины для слайдеров Slider Revolution, Layer Slider.

На BeTheme созданы следующие готовые шаблоны лендинг пейдж:

16. Суши

Демо для суши-бара. Основной контент сайта расположен на светлом фоне в обрамлении темно-серых меню и футера. Верхний баннер и слайдер из блюд меню позволяют продемонстрировать новинки ассортимента.

17. СПА-салон

Белый фон с контрастным текстом основного блока обеспечивает хорошую читабельность. Вспомогательные элементы — шапка, левый сайдбар, футер выполнены в мягкой темно-синей гамме. Прокрутка страницы сопровождается parallax смещением фона.

18. Пиво

Landing page WordPress для локальной пивоварни. Страница оформлена в коричневых тонах с вкраплением зеленого. При скроллинге можно наблюдать впечатляющий parallax эффект.

19. Портфолио художника/иллюстратора

Стильный шаблон, цветовое оформление которого построено на оттенках серого. Верхняя часть страницы стилизована под рабочее место с софитом, который можно включить, и компьютером.

20. Барбершоп

Сайт профессионального барбер салона в бело-коричневой гамме. В его дизайне стоит отметить: большой слайдер со всплывающим текстом, прайс-лист с переключаемыми вкладками, резюме сотрудников, форму для онлайн записи.

21. Аквапарк

Шаблон в ярких тонах желтого, белого и голубого для сайта аквапарка, платного пляжа, бассейна. На его страницах представлены раскрывающийся FAQ, галерея в стиле Masonry, интерактивная карта, панели с призывом к покупке.

22. HR

Сайт кадрового агентства, выдержанный в деловом стиле. Основной цвет страниц, зеленый, дополнен блоками серых и белых оттенков. В демо есть кнопки перехода на страницы с подробной информацией, секция презентации услуг с видео.

23. Парфюм

Темплейт с «воздушным» дизайном в розовато-сиреневых тонах. Подойдет под сайт МЛМ компании или персональную страницу агента, занимающегося продвижением сетевой косметики Faberlic, Avon и похожих марок.

Шаблон The7

Универсальная адаптивная WordPress тема, интегрированная с конструктором страниц Visual Composer и плагином Ultimate Addons. Среди ее демо сайтов можно найти и скачать шаблон лендинг пейдж, задача которой — привлечение клиентов и повышение конверсии веб-ресурса. В шаблон встроены премиальные плагины Go Pricing Tables, Slider Revolution, ConvertPlug, Layer Slider.

24. Небольшой интернет-магазин

Онлайн магазин органических снэков. Лендинг содержит слайдер продукции, блок с описанием ее преимуществ, карточки ингредиентов, отзывы покупателей.

25. Лендинг — продажа книг

Данный шаблон лендинг пейдж «Ремонт и строительство» знакомит с услугами, партнерами и сотрудниками компании, подавая информацию через слайдеры и секции с карточками.

27. Психология

Демо для клиники психологического консультирования. Спокойный дизайн сайта располагает клиента и вызывает доверие к консультирующим специалистам.

28. Лендинг пейдж тренинга, конференции

29. Интернет-магазин одежды

Сайт одежды, использующий светлую тему и темно-синие декоративные элементы (меню, кнопки, футер). Главные составляющие страницы — слайдер с анимированными баннерами и карточки товаров.

Шаблон Ronneby

Шаблон повышенной производительности, помимо набора плагинов и модулей оснащенный Панелью Безграничных Опций. В нем используются премиальные плагины Revolution Slider, Visual Composer. Активная поддержка темы, наличие видео и текстовых мануалов делают ее хорошим вариантом для тех, кто собирается купить шаблон лендинг пейдж в первый раз.

30. Веб-студия

В дизайне присутствуют белый, серый и коричневый цвета. Запоминающийся элемент — слайдер из образцов портфолио с несколькими вкладками.

31. Ресторан

Наиболее эффектные составляющие демо — блок ресторанного меню с ценами и секция с видео, к заставке которого при скроллинге применяется parallax смещение.

32. Креативное портфолио

Сайт практически полностью состоит из фото, при наведении на которые появляется ссылка с названием проекта. Иконка «гамбургер» разворачивает полноэкранное меню.

Лендинг продвинет услуги фитнес клуба, представив потенциальным клиентам его команду и осветив программы тренировок. Повысить доверие к компании помогает анимированный счетчик показателей успеха.

34. One-page с эффектом 3D пролистывания

При прокрутке страницы мышью разделы сменяют друг друга, полностью занимая экран. Последний «лист» выводит контактную форму.

35. Мобильное приложение

Графичные блоки темно-серого и светло-серого оттенков описывают преимущества рекламируемого ПО. Слайдер показывает скриншоты на экране виртуального телефона.

36. Модельное агентство

Страница разделена на 2 части — текст и фото. При прокрутке контент меняется: левая часть поднимается, правая — опускается, при этом текстовый и фото контент чередуются.

Шаблон TheGem

Универсальный темплейт под проекты, рассчитанные на высокую производительность. Тема поддерживает мультилингвальность и режим RTL. Демо-сайты на TheGem включают адаптивные шаблоны лендинг пейдж. В подарок к шаблону идут: конструктор Visual Composer и плагины, ответственные за адаптивные слайдеры — LayerSlider, NivoSlider, Revolution Slider.

37. Креативное агентство

Сайт творческой студии. Темно-серая цветовая гамма страниц разбавлена блоками светлых цветов. Многоуровневое меню облегчает навигацию, расширенный футер содержит формы обратной связи и подписки.

38. Лэндинг продукта/товара

Предназначен для создания веб-ресурса, посвященного презентации отдельного продукта или серии продукции. Меню меняет цвет при скроллинге, на странице присутствуют анимированный показ элементов и секции с видео фоном.

39. Сайт-визитка для приложения

Одностраничник для продвижения ПО. Пункты верхнего меню перемещают посетителя по секциям страницы. Интересный элемент сайта — слайдер из скриншотов, один за другим подстраивающихся под экран мобильного телефона.

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Multipurpose HTML Splash Landing Page Template

This is a multipurpose plantillas landing page which means you can use it for anything like products launch, service launch, special offers, and contests. It is mobile friendly and has a fast loading speed.

Free HTML 5 Landing Page templates that have been designed for special events allow you to display necessary information regarding your event using the sections available in the templates. You can even add photo gallery, a commercial video, schedule of events and an executive guest list. You May also visit . Added to this is the direction to the venue by linking to Google maps. User specific information such as name, phone, email and message can also be captured. One Page HTML built using the Bootstrap framework can be used for personal, corporate, portfolio management and for bogging too. Most premium templates are fully responsive and could be used for personal portfolio also. Responsive template designs are available for individuals, companies and professionals. you may also like .

In this carefully made list of Bootstrap-based free HTML landing page templates, you’ll find some of the marvelous, awe-inspiring, and creative products. Because of the expansion of modern web technology these themes make your development process faster, more comfortable, and utmost beneficial.

As you know selling and user engagements depend too much on landing pages alone, you should select only the best grade templates. Therefore, this curated list will help the users who wish to build a polished, compelling, and mobile-optimized website with less effort.

A limitless number of resources are available online to produce excellent websites. We have amassed only the best free HTML landing page templates. Start reading and enjoy the awesomeness.


Here’s Titan, a high-end, multipurpose, free website template with multiple demos and hundreds of HTML files. It’s built for the people who love adventures because Titan brings a lot of amusement inside it. With this free HTML template, one can build their dream website with a myriad of ready components. The landing demo is so brilliant that you can choose it for your next promotion. In the world of free HTML landing page templates, Titan is a truly brilliant one. Let’s download the template and build whatever you want.


  • Unique and Elegant Design
  • Clean and Commented Code
  • Masonry Layouts
  • Working Contact Form
  • Custom Google Maps
  • Countdown Timer
  • Blog and Portfolio
  • Shop Layouts

New Age

New Age is a highly admirable, truly advanced, perfectly responsive, one of the best free HTML landing page templates. This template is a seamless choice for robust business, a promotional tool, and bona fide site building. Bootstrap landing page templates offer responsive websites for the users to make the sites appear on every device on the earth. As it’s an app landing page, one can get help from it to display web app and other products as well. Featured with bold typography, fresh design, multiple colorful sections, and easy customization make the template best suit for everyone.


  • Bold, Colorful, Attractive
  • Clean, Semantic Markup
  • Custom Fixed Navigation Menu
  • LESS Files Included
  • Custom Button Style
  • HTML5/CSS Device Mockups


A well-designed and highly functional template can pave your way to success in a great aspect. When we see free HTML landing page templates, we scrutinize their functionality and reliability too. Therefore, a template like Creative makes a big entrance in the line up free Bootstrap landing pages. It’s a one page template for creating landing sites and product showcasing. This feature-rich theme can boost your growth if you feel need a multiverse and strong template.


  • Fully Responsive
  • Modern, Creative Design
  • Highly Functional
  • Well-organized Template
  • Image Grid With Hover Effcts
  • Lightbox Gallery


MobApp is a free Bootstrap 4 landing page template with a vivid color scheme. For making landing pages for mobile or desktop apps, this an awesome choice. At the beginning, the header section is the most significant part which contains text and screenshots although you can organize that in your way. Every section is designed to add more features, media, and more. Sticky navigation, hover effects, CTAs, smooth scrolling, and more charming opportunities are available with the template. It’s one of the best free HTML landing page templates.


  • One Page Layout
  • Sticky Navigation
  • Vivid Colors
  • On-hover Animation
  • Carousel Slider
  • Social Media Icons
  • Pricing Plans
  • Themify Icons
  • Fully Responsive
  • Responsive Burger Menu


Free HTML landing page templates make every one beneficial who are needing to create websites for launching new products and initiating promotion. Amid many Bootstrap landing pages, Snow is beautiful, highly flexible, mobile-friendly, fresh-faced, and all-rounder template for webmasters. It’s UI-focused, parallax optimized, well-documented, totally engaging, and a sheerly efficient template. Use it for creating sites with multiple options, compelling contents, alluring design, and natural attractions.


  • Parallax Background
  • Pre-configured Templates
  • Email Signup Form
  • Social Media Icons
  • Visually Engaging
  • Flexible Customization

Small Apps

Small Apps is an astounding, sensational, vigorous, aesthetic, and responsive free landing page template. Constructed with Bootstrap 3 and HTMl5, the template gives you an incomparable opportunity for making landing sites without much effort. If the codes are clean and well-organized then search engines will favor it that results in a rank on the top. With Small Apps, your site will be SEO-friendly as well as mobile responsive. Since the design is Bootstrap-made, it will naturally adapt to both larger and smaller screens.


  • Mobile Friendly Layout
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Cross-browser support
  • Full-width and boxed layout
  • Enticing Contact Form
  • Font Awesome Icons

Landing Page

One of the striking features of free HTML landing page templates is all of them are amazingly functional. Especially, the list you’re reading on is full of massively efficient, eminently multi-verse, entirely mobile adaptive, and of course, utterly malleable. There was a time when people are less-aware about technology because of the limitation in the tech-world. Today human beings are enjoying their so far best time due to the modern invention and discovery.


  • Bootstrap 4 Framework
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Device Mockups Available
  • Call To Action
  • Responsive Design
  • Social Media Buttons


Free website templates for landing pages are some superb options to create website with no hassle. Exclusivity has a simple layout and powerful options for pro users. With sticky navigation, hero header, counters, Google Maps, and other first-class features are there to organize your website easily. For those reasons, it’s one of the best free HTML landing page templates. Moreover, you can complete a lot more with the integrated jQuery plugins. Also, it’s very easy to use especially for the people with no coding background.


  • Full-width Header
  • Bootstrap 4 Template
  • Sticky Top Navigation
  • Google Maps Integrated
  • Clean Typography
  • Animated Counters
  • Beautiful Price Table
  • Google Fonts
  • Detailed Footer Area

Blue App

Blue App is a hefty, prominent, spectacular, outstanding, practical, and massively useful free landing page template based on HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 3. This template is a brilliant creation with the main focus on the user-attracting design, and cool layout to drawing the attention of the visitors. Not all the free HTML landing page templates are satisfying to use and to present your identity. Only a few can meet your demand with pleasure. Blue App is undoubtedly a wonderful incorporation among free Bootstrap landing page templates.


  • One Page Template
  • HTML 5 and Bootstrap 3
  • Parallax Background
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Nice Contact Form
  • Free Landing Page


People have to undergo the path for exploring the best-suit templates that help them make their websites unbeatable and extraordinary. As you get overwhelmed in the ocean of free HTML landing page templates and looking for a ray of hope we created the list. The eye-pleasing design, fluid responsive layout, engaging color scheme, and minimal vibe of Notes leave every user satisfied. For product launching and showcase page, use the template to harvest email addresses and know about your enthusiast audience.


  • Well-Optimized Code
  • Stylish Navigation
  • Google Fonts
  • CSS3 Animation
  • Readily Customizable
  • Cross-browser Compatibility


Avilon is clean, feature-rich, and appropriately built to build a landing page for all. In the list of free HTML landing page templates, Avilon makes its stance with strength and power. With the flawless design and powerful options, a developer or non-developer can comfortably build a website for their promotion. Made with Bootstrap 4, Avilon is ready to take your business to the next level. Also, users can get benefits from Font Awesome icons. Not to mention that it incorporates Google Fonts and gradients effect.


  • One Page Layout
  • Parallax Effect
  • Sticky Top Navigation
  • Gradient in Color Scheme
  • Social Media Links
  • Scrolling Animation
  • Lightbox Gallery
  • FontAwesome Icons
  • On Hover Zooming
  • Accordions
  • Multi-level Drop Down
  • Custom List Item


Lucy has all the top-quality features that help the users right under the way they surpass while being creative and imaginative. It’s also scintillating, astonishing, fast-paced, user-friendly, remarkable, and avant-grade. Not only this theme has a clean and simplistic design but it shows a real easy way to create sites as users desire also. Implementing the concurrent design rules this site template is an exemplary embodiment free HTML landing page templates.



To convince your audience to download or buy the service/product you offer is surely the crucial objective of a landing page. The formation of this blog about free HTML landing page templates is to ensure you do the things right. As it seems entrepreneurs who wish to reach the pinnacle of success may hardly want to waste their time on finding the right template. No way to ignore the importance of choosing the perfect theme because you’re going to lose your potential customers without it.


  • Unique, Modern, and Engaging
  • Easy To Use Template
  • Responsive Layout
  • Latest Technology
  • Best for Landing Page
  • Email List Creation Tool

App Landing

Even sometimes we get exhausted to find the beautiful as well as yielding template so that users don’t have to face any complexity in the endeavor of making landing sites. Here we have compiled some of the top-grade and responsive free HTML landing page templates only for your convenience. Online advertising is totally different from the real world. Here you need to present your content so that users tend to click on the actionable buttons. Not to mention that an exclusive template like App Landing can do that job most appropriate way.


  • Exquisite and Minimal
  • Tousch-friendly Design
  • SEO-focused Markup
  • User-engaging Elements
  • Lucrative Color Scheme
  • Free To Download

Landing Zero

Landing Zero is a high-class, mesmerizing, impressively-built, amazingly mobile adaptive, and free to download landing page template. It has a full-width video background, mobile-optimized layout, easy customizing facility, email subscription form, and well-polished design. With this Bootstrap-based template, webmasters can build a niche-specific landing page for making more customers engaged with your products. Without spending much time and any money, Landing Zero helps your effort make easy and convenient. The fresh design coupled with the Bootstrap framework, this template is a big addition in free HTML landing page templates.


  • Clean Responsive Design
  • Full-screen Image
  • Video Background
  • Ionicons Font Icons
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Awesome Gallery


You probably faced many troubles to find free HTML landing page templates that match your idea and need both. But thousands of free templates may obfuscate you and block your sense to differ the good from the bad. The endeavor was never easier. Rest assured. It’s our sole job to aid you so that you can make an impressive move to keep a place in people’s mind. Take AKAD as an example of sophistication and excellence. It’s a well-crafted web template that draws the way easy to follow for every passionate folk. Additionally, it has modern features for doing more works with less effort.



Before trying Backyard for creating a landing page, you really don’t know how a highly-functional web template looks like. And how it works when you have no prior deep coding knowledge. This powerful landing page template made the site building easier and more comfortable. As you know it’s equally important to keep the site well-adaptive on different screen sizes. However, Backyard was built on all latest web technologies and hence you can offer more functionality for your users. Color variations, multiple header styles, clean markup, parallax optimization, and responsiveness, all are for an impressive and eye-catchy website.


  • Parallax Backgrounds
  • Pricing Table Included
  • 100% Responsive Template
  • Multiple Layouts and Color schemes
  • Active Contact Form
  • Mailchimp Incorporation


In a row of free HTML landing page templates, Egret is an unbeatable and incomparable inclusion, no doubt about it. After reviewing many templates with several meticulous criteria, we decided these final items. You have no time to waste on garbage, after all. And we value your effort to work comfortably. For product landing pages, Egret is an admirable one that can ease your pain and make you free from obfuscations.


  • Super Quality Design
  • Ajax Contact Form
  • Different Color Schemes
  • Easy and Convenient
  • Mailchip Support
  • Free Landing Page


Check out this mind blowing template and start building landing pages instantly. Land.io is a superb composition out of free HTML landing page templates. A template made with careful and sincere effort can fulfill user’s demand completely. The performance and functionality are so amazing that you must love it and thus visitors will also get satisfied while they visit your site. Many features including Bootstrap 4, HTMl5, Saas, video section, YouTube embedding, and the well-commented code will let you go an extra mile. However, for free Bootstrap landing page download, get Land.io.


  • 100% Responsive Design
  • Simple, Fast and Reliable
  • Pricing Sections
  • Video Section Available
  • CSS 3 and HTML 5
  • Easy and Robust


Pluto is a creatively designed, wonderfully responsive, truly functional, amazingly malleable, and not to mention, totally free landing page template. Also, this template terribly works on multiple devices regardless of their platforms and screen sizes. Amidst free HTML landing page templates, Pluto is the right tool to demonstrate your vision through a landing page. Of course, it’s available free and anybody can use as it’s not complicated at all.


  • Clean, Material Design
  • Modern Web Technology
  • Mobile-friendly Framework
  • Easy To Customize
  • Free Landing Page
  • HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap3


CreativeZone is a terrific site template for a digital agency, art studio, startup, design firm, and business site. To build landing page templates, it will greatly support your effort while you want to draw your imagination on real canvas. The contemporary design trends and beautiful layouts are there to make your struggle painless and comfortable. Put your true focus on the business idea and make them highlighted with a real gem like CreativeZone. You will surely accomplish the project with no complication and more benefits.


  • One Page Template
  • Responsive Layout
  • Background Video
  • Parallax Effect
  • Retina-ready Gallery
  • Valid Markup


Because Air is robust, astounding, charming, and elegant we added this to the list of free HTML landing page templates. It’s a high-quality and superior template, indeed. If you haven’t found the right design then Air is there for your ultimate necessity. A fully responsive layout and functionally efficient Bootstrap theme can escalate the productivity right under the hood. Furthermore, Air incorporates the features that are limited on other free landing pages.


  • Astounding Design
  • Adaptive to Mobile Screens
  • Nice Color Tone
  • Smooth Animation
  • Sliding with Flex-slider
  • Off-canvas Menu

Mountain King

Were you able to construct a landing page without complication before? If not please try Mountain King. We can assure your unflinching experience, at least. In fact, it is a prominent insertion amongst free HTML landing page templates. Even in your wild imagination, you can’t enjoy this much freedom that Mountain King provides. It’s a precise choice for passionate webmasters who love flexibility while they’re on the ride. Minimal design, free vector icons, off-canvas menu, beautiful layout – everything’s there, just for you.


  • Masonry Gallery
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Responsive Off-canvas Menu
  • Clean and Commented Code
  • Free Vector Icons
  • Masonry Gallery

Landing Sumo

What makes people great? Of course, their work; remarkable, genuine, and creative work. To demonstrate this type creation you must need some tools for assistance. Landing Sumo, although it’s a premium product a free version’s also available, is a surprising, plentiful, stout, graceful, and fascinating template. The smooth animation and color scheme of Sumo are some enticing matter you should care about. In other words, within free HTML landing page templates, Landing Sumo is an irresistible invention


  • Awesome Color Combination
  • Breathtaking Design
  • Fresh and Clean
  • Touchscreen Friendly
  • Clean Commented Markup
  • Free Version Available


If you’re looking for a template that’s clean yet sturdy, minimal yet enticing, then you should look nowhere else than ActiveBox. Moreover, for better usability and true functionality, choose this theme with no doubt in mind. Above all, free HTML landing page templates have some great features that make the users even more powerful to build effective websites.


  • Super Cool Design
  • Clean and Powerful
  • Multipurpose Template
  • Adjustable To Any Screen
  • Easy To Customize
  • Impressive Quality


Sedna is an awesomely built, responsive free HTML5 one page template that gives you enormous flexibility towards sites creation. This carefully created list of free HTML landing page templates has accumulated some great products. Not only that Sedna is a free template but it’s easy-to-edit also. Sedna will give you features that are generally not found in free items.



For high-grade quality, Forkio makes its bold stance amidst free HTML landing page templates. We’re happy to share a stunning, eye-catchy, and mind-soothing template with you. It’s a one-page template that comes with so many compelling features that will make your sites unforgettable to your visitors. And, Forkio is adjustable to any project regardless of their size or type.


  • One Page Template
  • Built With Bootstrap
  • Minimal Design
  • Intuitive Layout
  • Responsive for Mobile Devices
  • Available Free

In the end

Free HTML landing page templates will alleviate your torment of being fast and efficient while creating websites. Use this list for getting all the high-quality free Bootstrap landing page templates made with HTML5 and CSS3. For more , visit our .

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